Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Deep Mental Power of the Act We All Know As Persuasion!

So their you are, walking through the mall with your friends having a good time, as people do. When out of no where you get dragged off your course to Hollister and some cute, funny, kiosk guy some how managed to convince you that you needed a $230 curling iron. Now as you work your way through the mall you wonder What was that? I dont even curl my hair! Ugh, why did I buy this stupid thing?? Well my friend, you have just lost in a battle of persuation. You didn't realize that that cute kiosk guy was simply conning you into buying you something you don't need by making you believe that you actually needed it. Crazy as it sounds, this happens to each and everyone of us, everyday. And not to alarm anyone but, a lot of times, you're a persueder too!
Now Im sure all of you know what persuasion is, but how do you know if you're being persuaded? Well to know when you're being persuaded it often helps to know the usual techniques of persuasion. Such as..
  • Liking: Did you know it's easier to be persuaded (or persuade) if you like some one or they like you? Persuaders will often flatter you or try and dig up ground breaking similarities to get you on their side, it's a simple method but it definately works!
  • Flocking: "Everyone LOVES this type of towel, or this new car, or that brand of cereal!" People like to be part of the group, they like to go with the flow. And that gives persuaders an open playing field!
  • Passion: The more you seem to care about your cause the more likely people will respond ot act in your favor. If they think you have passion it is more likely to trigger and emotional response from others. This can be easily achieved by swearing.
  • Volume: If one person in a group is louder they will be seen as the voice of the whole group.
  • Right Ear: It is easier to persuade someone by speaking into their right ear!
  • Speed: Talking fast can be more persuasive than talking at a normal speed.
  • Positivity: People or easily persuaded by positive messages or things that stimulate a positive emotional response.
  • Repetition: Repetition creates an illusion of truth.
There are countless methods of persuasion, but here are just a few. People can be easily persuaded by these techniques. Thats the only purpose of this blog, to raise awareness of the mass persuation that we face everyday. Beware!


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